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In association with Accouter Group of Companies, Accouter brings to you one of many collaborations and industry insights for design, in and out of the home and around the globe. Renowned for expertise in signature luxury interiors, Accouter met with Nigel Reimmer, Founder of Property Tent. With the biggest focus of the interview covering luxury property, Accouter discover Nigel’s journey through the industry and the power of social media that has ultimately led him to success.



With a large focus on super-prime interior design properties, in 2018, Nigel started Property Tent, an online platform. With a background in electronic and engineering, Nigel began his Property journey working within the local authority housing department. Following this, he began working in estate management, managing large scale housing estates, which led to the launch Property Tent.

Nigel says “I started Property Tent as a powerful platform to showcase high-end residential interior design, architecture and real estate through social media. This is what Property Tent is about. It's about allowing brands to engage with not only their audiences, but also a wider audience, which is what I'm trying to create with Property Tent.”



“I would like to collaborate with as many people in the international, luxury property industry as possible. Following the success of the Property Tent Instagram platform, I recently launched a YouTube Channel featuring Accouter’s Chelsea Waterfront scheme which. You can watch here. with a podcast coming soon. The platform allows me to reach out to new individuals from numerous avenues of the property game, giving them the opportunity to tell their own story. As they say, everybody’s got a story to tell. The audiences of social media platforms want to know how you got to where you are, what you are doing, and how can they emulate what they see. I’ve been networking with estate agents, interior designers, architects, property developers, and anyone else that's involved in the luxury property industry catering the high-net-worth individuals, to learn from, and to hand them this opportunity to have their voices heard.”

Accouter were proud to share their story with Property Tent. Nigel recently attended the exclusive Chelsea Waterfront Showcase event. Partaking in a full tour of the property discovering the meaning behind each and every intricate, bespoke element of the design, illustrating how these details transformed the client’s ideas into reality.

Storytelling is heavily influenced on the industry and experts you surround yourself with. The international, award-winning studio were also joined by James Jago, Associate & Australian Architect, for a panel at Chelsea Harbour discussing ‘The Ever-Evolving Link Between Fashion & Architecture’. Additionally, Accouter Director, Mia Kitsinis recently hosted an event with Luxury Brand Consultant, Gabriele Hackworthy to discuss how fashion informs interior today, delving into one of the biggest influences of the studio, and how the intricacies of one world can inform another, intertwining two to curate something seamlessly powerful.


Accouter hosted a month of live Q&A’s on their Instagram with leading artisans and industry experts. Click here to see the list of notable individuals of the luxury property industry interviews.

If you are interested in using Accouter’s services, click here to book an appointment with the studio.